
Variables types

Armonic provides base classes for defining your own variables. They all inherit from armonic.variable.Variable. No dict like variable is provided since all variables have names.

class armonic.variable.VString(name, default=None, required=True, from_xpath=None, modifier='%s', **extra)[source]

Variable of type string

pattern = None

Validate the value again a regexp

pattern_error = None

Error message if the value doesn’t match the regexp

class armonic.variable.VInt(name, default=None, required=True, from_xpath=None, **extra)[source]

Variable of type int.

max_val = None

Maximum value

min_val = None

Minimum value

class armonic.variable.VFloat(name, default=None, required=True, from_xpath=None, **extra)[source]

Variable of type float.

class armonic.variable.VBool(name, default=None, required=True, from_xpath=None, **extra)[source]

Variable of type boolean.

class armonic.variable.VList(name, inner, default=None, required=True, from_xpath=None, **extra)[source]

VList provide a list container for Variable instances.

Running the validation on VList will recursively run the validation for all contained instances.

  • name (str) – variable name
  • inner (all instances of Variable) – the type of variable used in the list
  • default (list) – default value
  • required (bool) – required variable
  • **extra

    extra variable fields

Predefined variables

class armonic.variable.Host(name, default=None, required=True, from_xpath=None, modifier='%s', **extra)[source]

Variable for hosts.

Validate that the value is an IP or a hostname

class armonic.variable.Hostname(name, default=None, required=True, from_xpath=None, modifier='%s', **extra)[source]

Variable for hostnames.

Validate that the value is a hostname

class armonic.variable.Port(name, default=None, required=True, from_xpath=None, **extra)[source]

Variable for port numbers.

Validate that the value is between 0 and 65535

Custom validation

To specifiy a custom validation method subclass the variable type of your choice and implement a validate function. If the validation fails you must raise armonic.common.ValidationError with an error message:

from armonic.common import ValidationError
from armonic.variable import VString

class CustomVar(VString):

    def validate(self):
        if not self.value in ('foo', 'bar'):
            raise ValidationError('%s value should be foo or bar' %
        return True

Extra variable info

If you wish to provide additional context to the variable you can define extra arguments in the variable constructor:

>>> from armonic.variable import VString
>>> var = VString('username', label="Username", help="Type your username")
>>> print var.to_primitive()
{'default': None,
 'error': None,
 'extra': {'help': 'Type your username', 'label': 'Username'},
 'from_xpath': None,
 'name': 'username',
 'required': True,
 'type': 'str',
 'value': None,
 'xpath': None}

These extra infos can be used in clients that consume the armonic.lifecycle.Lifecycle API.