Source code for armonic.require

""" A :class:`Require` permits to a module developper to specify what type of
value it must provide to go to a state. They are specified in

Two subclasses of :class:`Require` can be used if value can be
provided by a lifecycle provider, namely :class:`RequireLocal` and
:class:`RequireExternal`. These requires permit to specify the name of
a provide and what variables it needs and returns. Moreover, it is
sometime intersting to be able to call several time this provide and
then, to use several values returned by this provide (see
:mod:`armonic.varnish` for instance).

* :class:`RequireLocal` specify a provide call on the same agent instance.
* :class:`RequireExternal` specify a provide call on an other agent instance.

To provide values to a require, :meth:`Require.fill` method has to
be used. Note that this method is automatically called when a state is
reached. :meth:`Require.fill` take a dict (or a list) of primitive
types to fill values of a require.
import logging
import copy

from armonic.utils import IterContainer, DoesNotExist
from armonic.common import ValidationError, ExtraInfoMixin
from armonic.variable import ArmonicHost
from armonic.provide import Provide
from armonic.xml_register import XMLRegistery, XMLRessource

XMLRegistery = XMLRegistery()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RequireNotFilled(Exception): """Raise if the value of variable is None.""" def __init__(self, require_name, variable_name): self.variable_name = variable_name self.require_name = require_name def __repr__(self): return "Variable %s in require %s is not filled" % (self.variable_name, self.require_name) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
class MissingRequire(Exception): def __init__(self, variable="", state=None): self.variable = variable self.state = state def __str__(self): return "Require '%s' of state '%s' is missing" % (self.variable, self.state) def __repr__(self): return "Missing require %s" % self.variable
[docs]class RequireDefinitionError(Exception): """This is raised when the definition of a require is not correct.""" pass
[docs]class Require(XMLRessource, ExtraInfoMixin): """Basically, a require is a set of :class:`armonic.variable.Variable`. They are defined in a state and are used to specify, verify and store values needed to enter in this state. To submit variable values of a require, :meth:`fill` method must be used. Then, method :meth:`validate` can be used to validate that values respect constraints defined by the require. :param name: name of the require :param variables: list of variables :param nargs: variables occurences (1 or more, '*', '?') """ def __init__(self, name, variables, nargs='1', **extra): XMLRessource.__init__(self) ExtraInfoMixin.__init__(self, **extra) = name self.type = "simple" try: if not int(nargs) > 0: raise TypeError("nargs must be '1 or more', '?' or '*' (instead of %s)" % nargs) except ValueError: if nargs not in ["?", "*"]: raise TypeError("nargs must be '1 or more', '?' or '*' (instead of %s)" % nargs) finally: self.nargs = str(nargs) if self.nargs == "*": self.nargs_min = 0 self.nargs_max = 99999 elif self.nargs == "?": self.nargs_min = 0 self.nargs_max = 1 else: self.nargs_min = self.nargs_max = int(self.nargs) self._variables_skel = variables # Variable will be initialized later (in self.variables()) self._variables = None def __call__(self, func): """ Used as a method decorator to define Require on :py:class:`State` methods Permit to directly use Require constructor as a decorator. """ return Provide(name=None, requires=[self], flags={})(func) def _clear(self): if self._variables is not None: self._init_variables() def _init_variables(self): # This will contain Variables. fill method will append # IterContainer if needed, but we have to initialize it in # order to manage default values. self._variables = [] if self.nargs not in ('*', '?') and self._variables_skel: for arg in range(self.nargs_max): self._variables.append(self.factory_variable()) def _xml_tag(self): return def _xml_children(self): return self._variables_skel def _xml_ressource_name(self): return "require" def _xml_add_properties_tuple(self): return [("nargs", self.nargs), ("type", self.type)]
[docs] def factory_variable(self): """Return an Itercontainer of variables based on variables_skel :rtype: IterContainer of :class:`Variable` """ vars = copy.deepcopy(self._variables_skel) return IterContainer(*vars)
[docs] def fill(self, variables_values): """ Fill the require with a list of variables values :param variables_values: list of tuple (variable_xpath, variable_values) variable_xpath is a full xpath variable_values is dict of index=value """ def _filter_values(variables_values): # Return only variables for this Require for xpath, values in variables_values: require_name = XMLRegistery.get_ressource(xpath, "require") if not require_name == continue variable_name = XMLRegistery.get_ressource(xpath, "variable") try: self.variable_by_name(variable_name) except DoesNotExist: continue yield (xpath, variable_name, values) for xpath, variable_name, values in _filter_values(variables_values): for index, value in sorted(values.items()): if not int(index) < self.nargs_max: logger.warning("Ignoring variable value '%s' for %s. Does not conform to nargs definition" % (value, self)) continue try: variables = self.variables(int(index)) except DoesNotExist: variables = self.factory_variable() self._variables.append(variables) # TODO: register or not ? # self._xml_register_children() variables.get(variable_name).fill(value) return True
[docs] def validate_one_set(self, iterContainer, values={}): """Validate Require values on one variables set. If values is specified, they are used to validate the require variables. Otherwise, you must already have fill it because filled values will be used. :rtype: boolean""" for variable in iterContainer: if values: try: value = values[] except KeyError: msg = "Submitted value doesn't contain key %s" % logger.debug("Validation error on require '%s': %s" % (self.get_xpath(), msg)) raise ValidationError(, msg=msg) else: value = variable.value variable.validate(value) return True
[docs] def validate(self, values=[]): """Validate Require values. If values is specified, they are used to validate the require variables. Otherwise, you must already have fill it because filled values will be used. :rtype: boolean""" for (idx, vs) in enumerate(self.variables(all=True)): if values: try: v = values[idx] except IndexError: msg = ("Values must contains as much element" " as variables set elements.") logger.debug("Validation error on require '%s': %s" % (self.get_xpath(), msg)) raise ValidationError(msg) self.validate_one_set(vs, v) else: self.validate_one_set(vs) return True
def to_primitive(self): primitive = ExtraInfoMixin.to_primitive(self) primitive.update({ "name":, "xpath": self.get_xpath_relative(), "nargs": self.nargs, "nargs_min": self.nargs_min, "nargs_max": self.nargs_max, "variables": [[var.to_primitive() for var in vars] for vars in self.variables(all=True)], "variables_skel": [var.to_primitive() for var in self._variables_skel], "type": "simple"} ) return primitive
[docs] def variables(self, index=0, all=False): """Return variables of given index. TODO: Check if index respect nargs. :param index: index of a variable set. :param all: if true returns all variables :rtype: iterContainer or ([iterContainer] if all == True) """ # If not yet build, variables are built from varaible_skel. # This can not be done in __init__ because variable_skel # xpaths have to be created. if self._variables is None: self._init_variables() if all: return self._variables else: try: return self._variables[index] except IndexError: raise DoesNotExist("No variables found")
[docs] def variable_by_name(self, variable_name, index=0): """From a variable name return the corresponding instance :param variable_name: variable name :type variable_name: str :param index: variable set index :type index: int :rtype: :class:`Variable` """ try: variable = self.variables(index).get(variable_name) return variable except DoesNotExist: # Use variables_skel to resolve xpath even # if no variables was set (for validation) for variable in self._variables_skel: if == variable_name: return variable # No match, raise the exception raise
def get_values(self): variables_values = [] for variable in self._variables_skel: variable_values = [variable.get_xpath(), {}] for index, variables_set in enumerate(self.variables(all=True)): for variable_in_set in variables_set: if == variable_values[1][index] = variable_in_set.value break variables_values.append(variable_values) return variables_values
[docs] def generate_args(self, dct={}): """Return a tuple. First element of tuple a dict of argName:value where value is the default value. Second is a list of argName without default value. :param dct: To specify a argName and its value. """ ret = ({}, []) for a in self._variables: if in dct: ret[0].update({ dct[]}) elif a.has_default_value(): ret[0].update({ a.default}) else: ret[1].append( return ret
def __repr__(self): return "<Require(name=%s, variables=%s)>" % (, self._variables)
[docs]class RequireLocal(Require): """To specify a configuration variable which can be provided by a *provide_name* of a local Lifecycle object. nargs parameters permits to specify how many time you can call a provide. It can be '1', '?', '*' times. Then, variables is a list which will contains many values for each variables. :param name: name of the require :param xpath: the path of the provide to call :param provide_args: default values for the provide :param provide_ret: provide return value :param nargs: provide occurences (1 or more, '*') or is optional ('?') """ def __init__(self, name, xpath, provide_args=[], provide_ret=[], nargs="1", **extra): _variables = provide_args + provide_ret Require.__init__(self, name, _variables, nargs=nargs, **extra) self.type = "local" self.xpath = xpath self.provide_args = provide_args self.provide_ret = provide_ret def _xml_add_properties_tuple(self): return ([("xpath", self.xpath)] + Require._xml_add_properties_tuple(self)) def to_primitive(self): primitive = Require.to_primitive(self) primitive.update({ "type": self.type, "provide_xpath": self.xpath, "provide_args": [v.to_primitive() for v in self.provide_args], "provide_ret": [v.to_primitive() for v in self.provide_ret]}) return primitive def __repr__(self): return "<RequireLocal(name=%s, xpath=%s, provide_args=%s)>" \ % (, self.xpath, self._variables)
[docs] def generate_args(self, dct={}): """Return a tuple. First element of tuple a dict of argName:value where value is the default value. Second is a list of argName without default value. :param dct: To specify a argName and its value. """ ret = ({}, []) for a in self._variables_skel: if in dct: ret[0].update({ dct[]}) elif a.has_default_value(): ret[0].update({ a.default}) else: ret[1].append( return ret
def generate_provide_args(self, dct={}): return self.generate_args(dct)
[docs]class RequireExternal(RequireLocal): """To specify a configuration variable which can be provided by a *provide* of a external module. A 'host' variable is automatically added to the args list. It MUST be provided. """ def __init__(self, name, xpath, provide_args=[], provide_ret=[], nargs="1", **extra): for v in provide_args: if == 'host': raise RequireDefinitionError( "Variable name 'host' can not be use because it is a" " reserved variable name for External require.") RequireLocal.__init__(self, name, xpath, [ArmonicHost('host', label="Host", expert=True)] + provide_args, provide_ret, nargs, **extra) self.type = "external" def generate_provide_args(self, dct={}): ret = ({}, []) for a in self.provide_args: if == 'host': continue if in dct: ret[0].update({ dct[]}) elif a.has_default_value: ret[0].update({ a.default}) else: ret[1].append( return ret def __repr__(self): return "<RequireExternal(name=%s, xpath=%s, provide_args=%s)>" \ % (, self.xpath, self._variables)